Langlaufschule Rückenwind Seefeld

XC-Skiing on the high plateau of Seefeld in Tyrol is like a dream! The altitude around 4.000 ft and perfect infrastructure of nordic world championships ensure favorable snow conditions from early December until mid March.


We offer lessons in classic and Skating stile, for beginners, advanced skiers and even athletes who want to improve their efficiency.  For online booking see offers on this site, in case of questions please do not hesitate to get in contact!


At our partner Sport Rückenwind Seefeld at the same location you can get rental equipment in high quality with affordable prices. Tickets for the XC skiing tracks are available in your hotel (discount, optional feature of your digital guest card) or as well in our shop, and vending machines at track entry points, and at the tourist information office.


We are looking forward to meet you on XC-skis!

lessons Winter 24/25

Click on >Text to open offered courses within a category. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask via the contact form or by phone. In case we cannot pick up the phone, we will call you back. If you are not sure whether classic or Skating is better for you, these style considerations might help.

kids courses

Children learn cross-country skiing in a playful manner, and for this, we offer special courses during the holidays. We also tailor private lessons for children. A large part of our team has experience with children’s courses and working with young athletes in cross-country skiing clubs. We look forward to your kids’ participation! (Booking through the menu above, and feel free to contact us with any questions!)

Camps Winter 2024/25

This winter season we partner at some XC skiing camps in Seefeld. The camps presented here are in German language. If you are interested in organization of a new event, get in touch and let´s be creative. We are happy to welcome sport-hungry groups in Seefeld.

Sporting Women Camp

Organized by Sporting Women in Augsburg. Here is the link to booking (women only).

SVS Aktiv Langlauf-Camp: 23 - 25. Jan. 2025

Link for registration (limited to SVS partners)

SVS Aktiv Langlauf-Camp: 3 - 5. Mar. 2025

Link for registration (limited to SVS partners)

office at sport rUEckenwind

At the start of all XC tracks in Seefeld, 5 - 10min walk from the railway station. Closest car Parking underneath Olympiabad, or at Eurospar with E-charging, oder P10 Klosterbräu

Langlaufschule Rueckenwind Seefeld - Möserer Straße 120 - 6100 Seefeld

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Office XC skiing school

+43 676 526 88 65

contact form

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recent news


Our Team was recognized with the Best Cross-Country Skiing School 2024 Austria Award by Global Health and Pharma. A big thank you to our guests who nominated us!


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FAQ: classic or skating?

classic style

  • In other words: We are running in two rails made of snow. :-)
  • Classic is easier to begin with. In classic lessons we teach how to run easily, how to change tracks, how to manage downhill sections and how to break.
  • Since the invention of XC-skis with skins classic skiing is very trendy again. Also many kids love the classic style.
  • Perfect for ski hiking, for endurance excercises as well as for racing.
  • Classic skis are longer than skating skis and have a grip section under the binding. (structure or skin or kick wax at racing skis). This zone touches the ground, when we are standing on one ski. Correct length of poles is from ground to armpit - shoulder. Classic boots have a flexible sole.
  • Running a really top classic technique is not easy, it´s a set of approx. 10 different subtechniques that cover all possible speed and terrain situations. So there´s always something to learn. :-)
  • Let´s go classic skiing!


  • We run on smoothly groomed tracks that can be slippery.
  • Most beginners say it looks easier than it actually is...
  • Skating provides a feeling of flying and 3-demensional freedom, we also call it dancing on skis, and dancers really have an advantage. You need a good balance, skills in ice-skating, inline-skating or classic XC skiing are a good prerequisite.
  • Skating enables more top speed on flat sections, as the accelerating Skating kick to the side happens on a gliding ski, whereas classic skis are standing still at the moment of the kick.
  • Skis have a smooth base w/o grip section, they are a bit longer than body height, pole length between chin and nose. Skating boots have stiff soles and privide more stability. 
  • We recommend to learn the different skating techniques, overall five of them to cover speed and slope variability. Running correct techniques is faster, healthier (body positioning and effect on joints), safer and more fun. Here you find our Skating lessons.
  • Get your skis and let´s start!

endurance sports & nordic skiing

As an open air winter sport XC-skiing provides a lot of advantages:

  • Enjoying snow in a beautiful landscape is good for you mind. Instead of surfing through social media for hours, start nordic skiing and recharge your batteries! 
  • XC-skiing requires most of the muscles in your body in collaborative work to get forward. Thereby it is one of the healthiest kinds of sport. Nordic Skiing strengthens your muscles, blood, circulatory system, heart and loung. Athletes who work on their VO2max can steer and apply ideal interval training throuth XC-skiing in a suitable setting.
  • Power generation of the legs is dominant with 70%, however you will supply approximately 30% with your upper body, abdominal muscles, shoulders and back. XC-skiing is a highly efficient prevention against malpositions and back pain.
  • Fast gliding on one leg, in combination with complex movements required to run a couple of different Skating and Classic techniques, require a high level of coordinative skills. It is no accident that Skating is called "dancing on skis".
  • Risk: Among all sports performed on skis, nordic skiing is the one with the lowest risk of injury.

All in all: There is no way around nordic skiing on the high plateau Seefeld in Tyrol / Austria. :-)